Kazakhstan is actively developing sustainable travel to mountainous areas that are rich in wildlife and offer all kinds of outdoor activities including active sports.

Almaty Region
The multi-colored wings of paragliders flying over the Ushkonyr Plateau in Almaty Region always attract attention. Training flights and competitions are held almost all year round.

4X4 off-road tours
Almaty Region, Mangistau Region, East Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan offers one of the most extreme 4X4 off-road experiences.

Almaty Region, East Kazakhstan, Turkistan Region
Kazakhstan is surrounded by the magnificent Altai Mountains and the Tien Shan Mountains, which are home to many picturesque lakes and glacial peaks.

Almaty Region, East Kazakhstan, Turkistan Region
The most popular places for rafting are Almaty Region and East Kazakhstan. Book rafting tours for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.